Climate change results in ever more frequent cloudbursts that, especially in the bigger cities, have created a need for draining away large amounts of water. After the extreme cloudbursts of summer 2020 and 2021, Soil & Buildingn established more than eight kilometres of cloudburst protection in central Copenhagen alone. This included laying underground pipes and drainage for handling the water from cloudbursts across large parts of the Frederiksstaden quarter, under Amalienborg Slotsplads, in Nyhavn, Nørregade and other locations in the central Indre By district.
We undertake these types of task using traditional digging techniques as well as excavation-free methods. Which method is most favourable is down to the specific conditions and the individual tasks. It is thus natural for us to work closely with our tunnel department in regard to the major cloudburst contracts that we undertake, including for HOFOR, Greater Copenhagen Utility.
In order to prevent large amounts of water and flooding after extreme rainfall events, for example on roadways and car parks, it is becoming increasingly common to establish local diversion of rainwater (LAR) systems in relation to cloudburst protection.
In connection with the execution of our many infrastructure tasks throughout Denmark, we have completed countless, comprehensive local rainwater diversion (LAR) jobs, in the form of infiltration into green spaces, flat slope ditches, catch basins or multifunctional climate solutions that are especially well-suited and requested in the establishment of new urban spaces.