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Climate change results in ever more frequent cloudbursts, which in certain parts of the country has led to an acute need for draining away large amounts of water. In other areas, increasing precipitation levels have led to a more or less continuous rise in groundwater levels that has created a need for a more permanent diversion of water. In both cases, microtunnelling may be a solution to these problems. ​

Soil & Building has its own tunnelling department and we also have professionals with specialist expertise in microtunnelling. One of our key strengths is the execution of microtunnels for installing pipelines, for example for drainage and water supply pipes. We operate thrpughout Denmark and cater to both public and private sector developers.

Microtunnelling involves drilling and establishing a tunnel underground rather than the open excavation of larger areas. Tunnelling is a significantly more favourable method in situations where drainage is required through a high-density area or under buildings, for example – or when it is desirable to avoid closing a stretch of road or rail track during the construction period.

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